How is the Strongest Lord Event played daily? | Help Center
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How is the Strongest Lord Event played daily?

Kill event is also called "The Strongest Civilization" event or "Death Battle" and can be found in the right-side menu under the event button, as well as via the Jubilation Square in your Castle.

There are 2 cycles for the Strongest Lord event each week. It consists of Common cycle and Kill Event cycle. To earn points, specific tasks must be accomplished on relevant days.

Common Cycle:

 Monday Resource Gathering
 Tuesday  Construction
 Wednesday Bandits Elimination
 Thursday Soldier Training
 Friday Resource Gathering
 Saturday Monster Elimination
 Sunday Soldier Training

Kill Event Cycle:

 Monday Resource Gathering
 Tuesday Construction
 Wednesday Bandits Elimination
 Thursday Soldier Training
 Friday Kill Event
 Saturday Kill Event
 Sunday Kill Event

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